Our Outreaches
This is where you’ll find information about all the awesome ministries available at Shining Light Ministries, Inc. If you see this page and it hasn't been updated, a gentle reminder to the church staff at Shining Light Ministries, Inc is in order. Let them know you want to learn more about what is happening at Shining Light Ministries, Inc and how you can get involved.
SLM Youth Center
The SLM Youth Center in Fitchburg opened in July of 2012 by the assistance of the Edward J. Byrne Grant. The center is a safe haven for youth to hang out on Saturday nights from 530 to 630PM. After an initial weekend, youth need to sign up for the program to continue attending. Sign ups involve parental consent for us to work with the Fitchburg Public School System, monitoring their grades and attendance to make sure that they are placing a priority on academic ...more
SLM Adopt-A-Block Program
The SLM Adopt-A-Block program, started in February of 2011, is based off of the LA Dream Center Adopt-A-Block program. Our goal is to impact struggling neighborhoods through clean up and community outreach, partnering with Christian churches who desire to be Christ's hands and feet. We are currently working with the Elm Street Community Church to clean up that neighborhood, and we are looking to partner with other churches so that we can begin reaching more neighborhoods for Christ. more
SLM Endurance Ministry
The SLM Endurance Ministry was birthed from an interest in triathlons after Pastor Steve ran his in September. Through the assistance of the Charles E. Shannon Grant, and others, we have been able to purchase Triathlon clothing, with 10 youth, young adults and adults taking part in their first triathlon during 2014. With the assistance of another grant... more